I tried several solutions like grive and so on. Grive has its own problems which is not the subject of this post. So I decided to use google-drive-ocamlfuse.
I wtrote a small script using YAD which is basically Zenity on steroids.
Before we can use this GUI kinda script we need to setup google-drive-ocamlfuse. Off we go...
Install google-drive-ocamlfuse for debian derivatives
Open a terminal as your current user (not root) and begin typing:sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alessandro-strada/ppasudo
apt-get update
sudo apt-get install google-drive-ocamlfuse
This should open a tab in your default web browser, asking to allow google-drive-ocamlfuse to access your Google Drive. Click "Allow", wait a few seconds for google-drive-ocamlfuse to retrieve the authorization code and you're done.
Actual information can be found here on webupd8.org
Install google-drive-ocamlfuse for suse derivatives
This is working for Suse 13.1, I didnt try other versions but they should work as well.Open a terminal as your current user (not root) and begin typing:
For suse I started yast out and I created the repository called OPAM with the specific URL "http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/eclipseagent:/opam/openSUSE_13.1/"
And then in terminal
zypper in yad ocaml-findlib gcc ncurses-devel ocaml-ocamldoc libcurl-devel sqlite3-devel ocaml-camlp4-devel fuse-devel zlib-devel
wget http://www.ocamlpro.com/pub/opam_installer.shchmod +x opam_installer.shsh ./opam_installer.sh /usr/local/bin
This will take a while and after it is finisned it will ask you to enter
`opam config env`
command in terminal so do that.
Next you have to initialize opam and install google-drive-ocamlfuse
opam initopam install google-drive-ocamlfuse
So now you have all the packages you need to have.
This should open a tab in your default web browser, asking to allow google-drive-ocamlfuse to access your Google Drive. Click "Allow", wait a few seconds for google-drive-ocamlfuse to retrieve the authorization code and you're done.
for suse you can use the links below for more information
What does this script do ?
This script provides a mount GUI for google drive. It creates a directory called "googledrive" in your user $HOME and mounts your google drive account to this place. If it is already mounted only MOUNT button is shown and vise versa.
All the files are LIVE files so use extreme caution while deleting and updating files because these are the ACTUAL FILES IN YOUR GOOGLE DRIVE. If you delete a file by accident then "say hello to my little friend" or "say goodbye to your file" if you don't have a backup. Always backup. So this is said and done you can not hold me responsible of anything deleted. You have been warned !
Save the below script as gdrive.sh in /usr/bin or whereever you like and "chmod +x gdrive.sh" to make it executable. Now make a shorcut or link in your menu or taskbar of desktop to it.
# google-drive-ocamlfuse mounter HUI
# Cihan Ispanoglu @ 2014
if [ ! -d "$GDRIVE_FOLDER" ]; then
mkdir -p "$GDRIVE_FOLDER"
YAD=`which yad`
TITLE=" Google Drive Mount GUI"
function mount_gdrive()
if grep -qs "google-drive-ocamlfuse" /proc/mounts; then
CURSTATE="Current State\tAlready mounted\n`grep 'google-drive-ocamlfuse' /proc/mounts | awk '{print $1 ,"\011", $2}' `"
CURSTATE="Current State\tNot Mounted"
$YAD --plug=$YADKEY --tabnum=1 --text "Google Drive" --text "$CURSTATE\n\nMOUNT\tmounts google drive \nUMOUNT\tunmounts google drive" &> res1 &
if grep -qs "google-drive-ocamlfuse" /proc/mounts; then
ACTION=`$YAD --center --title "${TITLE}" --text "$CURSTATE\n\nMOUNT\tmounts google drive \nUMOUNT\tunmounts google drive" --height=$HEIGHT --width=$WIDTH --button="UMOUNT:101" --button="gtk-cancel:1"`
ACTION=`$YAD --center --title "${TITLE}" --text "$CURSTATE\n\nMOUNT\tmounts google drive \nUMOUNT\tunmounts google drive" --height=$HEIGHT --width=$WIDTH --button="MOUNT:100" --button="gtk-cancel:1"`
[[ $RET -eq 1 ]] && exit 0
case $RET in
100) sleep 1
google-drive-ocamlfuse $GDRIVE_FOLDER
sleep 1
xdg-open $GDRIVE_FOLDER;;
101) sleep 1
fusermount -u $GDRIVE_FOLDER;;
*) exit 1 ;;
Screenshots of google drive mount GUI for linux
Note: I did not write the "Backup / Policy" and actually took it out now because suse YAD dont have --notebook :) Coming soon...
Thanks for reading.
How install without GUI?
YanıtlaSilon server on console mode.